April 30, 2012 – Never Change

They will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment.
You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but you are the same, and your years have no end. 

Psalm 102:26-27


Back in 1992, I remember asking a financial planner regarding college savings for my then 1 year old. I told him all I have are a few savings bonds. He said something along the lines of “Get rid of those savings bonds and invest in U.S. securities instead. Those are solid and dependable investments. You could be making 12% annually. Besides, if the U.S. economy tanks, then we’re all in trouble.” Thankfully, I did not fully listen to him. I did invest in the stock market for my retirement fund but I kept my son’s savings bonds. In addition, I  hedged that college nest egg a few years later by dragging said son to Hallmark Stores and McDonalds to invest in Beanie Babies. (And this is why I’m not a financial planner. Hey, anyone want to buy a mint Princess Bear?) 


Fast forward to 2009, when it was time for my son to go to college. The U.S. economy did tank taking most of the gains in our investments.  Except, that is, for those lowly savings bonds. Those were the only ones that made money.


I share all that not only to wonder about the fate of that financial planner or display my folly, but to emphasize that nothing in life is a sure thing. Not the stock market with the enticement of a 12% return. Not the job that you hoped to have until age 65. Not the marriage that promised till death do us part. Not even the earth will last forever (Rev 21:1).


These were the thoughts that swirled in my head as I read today’s reading. Life is uncertain. Where  – or more appropriately – to Whom are we pinning our hopes? We have to learn to hold on to the constancy of God instead of the fickleness of man. I love this verse in Malachi.


Malachi 3:6   “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.


God does not change. 


Looking back at the old testament, the same God who:


delivered the Israelites from captivity,

parted the Red Sea (Exodus 14:22) ,

sweetened bitter water (Exodus 15:25) ,

sent manna from heaven (Exodus 16:4-31) ,

dismantled the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6:20),

made the sun stand still (Joshua 10:12-14),

made a ragtag army of 300 that sent the massive Midianite army into chaos (Judges 7:16-22) ,

provided oil for the widow of Zeraphath,

delivered 3 Hebrew boys from a fiery furnace (Daniel 3:23-27)

shut the mouth of lions (Daniel 6:22),

The same God, He still works today.


So when we are faced with a seemingly insurmountable  wall, when we are fearful and  weak, when the provision is diminishing, we need to remember: The same God, He changes not.  Trust in His goodness, in His divine plan. Rest in the shadow of His wings. 


The same God, He will take care of us because He loves us. 


 [Reading from Blue Letter Bible – Chronological Plan]

One thought on “April 30, 2012 – Never Change

  1. Praise the Lord, our God doesn’t change. Thank you for the reminder that we serve a God that is constancy, an ever present help in times of trouble. Our Shield and our Rock.Thank You, Heavenly Father, for being all that we need, for Your grace is sufficient. May we lean not on our own understanding but in all of our ways acknowledge You. We praise You and adore You, Father. In Jesus Name, we pray, AmenBethany

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